Saturday, 5 September 2009

Acorn Farm

The four of us headed out to Acorn Farm this morning. It's a fabulous place making interesting use of an otherwise industrial site; you would have no clue you are surrounded by factories and the like - it's a real gem! It was very quiet when we arrived, perhaps because of the threatening rain, which is never something to put us off! I think we may have been the first there actually.

We saw reeds reaching up out of the overgrown area by the car park, so deduced there must be a hidden area of water down there.. Along with the lack of commercialism, I love the hands-on nature of this place; after chasing the ducks Isaiah enjoyed sitting on some bales of hay and got to hold a baby rabit and guinee pig, and even milk a goat! He eagerly fed the goats and sheep straight from his hand, and was excited to find one of the cockrel's feathers on the floor while we were feeding them. Jeremy also got a stroke of the rabit (with a little help), and enjoyed watching the chickens mooching about! We had fun in the lovely play area and finished our visit with a little family picnic in the wooden play house!


  1. Am I your first commenter? I'm definitely your first bloglines subscriber. I've added you to my subscription list. Can't wait to hear about all your little adventures. :) I'm feeling inspired to dive back into my blog, but not sure if I will follow that impulse or not. Thanks for tea by the way. It was lovely!

  2. Where is Acorn Farm?

    We took our children to Rice lane farm when they were small, one eighteen month old was butted by a goat, and was not that impressed.

  3. Hee hee! Acorn Farm is in Kirkby - It must be said it is far superior to Rice Lane farm ;)

    Lauren, I think you were beaten by Jude, sorry! I feel privileged to have a comment from you though, after you saying you don't leave comments on blogs! I didn't know I had a subscription list but tanks for joining it!
