Monday 20 March 2017


After a long break, I've decided to return to this medium to record my thoughts and moments rather than Facebook as I find the latter somewhat all-consuming and it sucks me in whenever I go on to 'just quickly check something'; so this should avoid that. I'll start very simply with a couple of pics of today, just to see if I can figure out how to, never having put any photos on here (I seem to have favoured long monologues in the past!!). I like to capture the happy moments of the day to help me to remember and dwell on the positives!! Rest assured I am under no illusion that life is a bed of roses! We had a lovely little time at Baskin' Robins after school due to me both running out of time to take a snack and having a craving for sugar that could not be as easily satisfied as usual owing to my being off milk chocolate for lent :)