I'm shattered! It's been a tiring week including Bilbo refusing to go to school, Freddie starting speech therapy, and me needing to treat everyone for worms! I don't ever remember anyone having worms when I was growing up but they seem to be fairly commonplace now, though thankfully this is only the second time we've had to deal with them and the last time was 4 years ago. For 6 weeks everyone has to have a bath before anything else every morning and I'm meant to damp dust the bedrooms and dust and hoover the whole house daily (I'm not). I'm doing even more washing than usual. Beds are wet every night. I need more sleep.
One day I should prob think about getting a job but how I'd deal with little setbacks like this I don't know! I don't stress too much about being on time for school because I have enough to think about (I don't mean I don't care I just mean I'm kind to myself) but if I had a work deadline that would be added stress I could do without! Hmmm. With Freddie starting school (part time initially) in Sept, this is something on my mind but I don't want to rush into anything, especially after this last week!
Just a short one today as I have a big family party to plan for Sat!