I'm trying to imagine how a redesigned food pyramid should look.
Knowing more and more people being diagnosed with dementia at earlier and earlier ages I've been reading about 'grain brain' which has pretty much resulted in me striking grains and starchy food out of my intake, as a general rule. So the food pyramid I'm shaping is starting to look pretty alternative, to some... I would go with the paleo one but they're big into red meat and saturated fats so I need to tweak it but who am I to do that?!! I can't help myself though!
Looking into ancient grains now. I think they're ok because they don't have the sugar effect on the body that all modern grains do (including modern whole grains) so perhaps I could add them into my food pyramid because these types of grain do bring important nutrients and are very low in gluten, if not free from it.
So if I adjust paleo to suit my hunches I guess we'd have oily fish, eggs and turkey at the bottom. Perhaps something like the new one in the following link, minus the saturated fats and sugar (including fructose, though I would include apples, pears and berries because these are very low in fructose).
I think that's basically how I think I should eat: Mainly veg, most calories from protein (I have eggs or fish [prawns today!] rather than grains, fruit or dairy for breakfast everyday anyway coz they fill me up til lunch and are nutrient-dense), and ancient grains have a place in that there link too :) I'm not sure I want my diet to be so focused on animal produce though. I wonder if I could add vegetarian proteins into the bottom; I wonder why they aren't there?
Finally, thanks to Davina McCall (sp?!) I have discovered 100% cocoa solids chocolate! I didn't know it existed. Apparently it's available in big supermarkets so I will be giving that a try because it is sugar free :) Until I went sugar free for 3 months and subsequently drastically reduced my sugar intake I would not have liked it at all but I've seen my palet go from tolerating 75% dark chocolate as a less more-ish alternative to milk chocolate, to now enjoying 90% dark chocolate, so 100% is the next logical step! Yay! This is a really informative little video on sugar that was key to me getting a grip and kicking it to the curb when I was truly addicted, eating 3 packets of Maltesers for my tea every day!! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dBnniua6-oM